Sorry to those of you who cannot read maps, but for those who do, as you can see there is this big as lake to the right of where i biked. That was one of the main things i was setting out to see today, the lake. It is just a recce trip so that maybe next week i can go there for a swim and know my way there. So far the furthest i have been is Ikea at Tornby which is near Skaggetorp on the map and thats just like 4km away. Thus today marks a further distance, all the way to berg.
Anyways i did see the lake i set out to see, its really pretty awesome as some houses face the lake and is like literally right at their doorstep. I wonder if in winter the whole lake freezes and its just a large ice skating rink. That would be totally dope!
This is on the way to the lake, you have to go past Ikea and use this bridge. Good weather woot!
My trusty bicycle which accompanies me without complain, problem is he like to relak so always have to lean him against something
There are really no high rise buildings around here, so it makes me want to cycle to the horizon. Only to realise that theres another horizon, and another, and another
This is the path into the lake, theres this huge herd of sheep just eating grass and chilling. Reminds me of new zealand where theres like 100000000000 sheep and 1000 people.
Panorama! dont mind that black bar to the right, in real life its not like that suddenly pitch black |
I took alot of pictures of this red farm house cause 1) i didnt know if my camera captured it due to the lack of a viewfinder to see the photos properly 2) I like farms
My bicycle issnt like a mountain bike or some pro ass cross terrain cycle so this gravel road was really hard to cycle
There are horses inside the stable! trust me thats a horse
Finally i hit the lake after avoiding the animal shit on the floor+ just navigating through the farms. It is BEAUTIFUL!
Just a father and son kayaking. Not like in singapore where the son prob doing math TYS and father watching tv
This is actually someone's pier and im trespassing? But YOLO this is just too beautiful to care
The lake is so still it fully reflects the sky, awww
Im so jelly of the person staying here, the living room is actually like surrounded by transparent glass walls? So you get like 360 view of the lake while you're eating your sausage or whatever
Awesome selfie whatup haters!
Cats being cats, just "guarding" the door. *Ran away when i approached the house
Dog doesnt give a toot, just drinking its water.
Okay later the dog did attempt to bark and chase me away, but its so cute i was just like awww
The mysterious look it had. " who this human, is this my new master? I HAVE NO MASTER, meow *runs away*"
Dog at least trying to keep me from going into their land, though i mistook his throttle for a friendly gesture
Bees bzzz, okay there are a shit load of flies around me all the time so please when you come wear headphones so they dont fly into your ear and keep your mouth shut
This was another view from someone's lawn.
Me asking the sheep for some directions
This Hay is huge, okay this picture makes it look like quite small but trust me if it rolled towards you you cant give it a little kick and expect not to be crushed.
And onwards to Berg!
I love to take pictures of how far i have came. Just in case i die halfway
A river opening into the lake, really pretty blue
Berg! Do you see that church on the left, it was like my goal. I have to reach that church at least! If not theres no like landmark to say " Okay sam, its time to head back"
I like how the clouds look like they wanna throw a hissy fit and rain, but didnt
My goal! the church at Berg, its really magnificant
So i was just like, phew ok im here now, after cycling for so damn long. Just gonna walk around these graves around the church and bam i saw this backpacker just sitting on this bench. Her name is Rebekka and shes from Germany. Apparently she walked all the way to Berg from Linkoping since the morning and she has a tent which she plans to pitch here next to the graves to spend the night. How cool is that! Shes going to university next year so now's like her pilgrimage trip around sweden for three weeks. With her is her dog called INU which she told me is elvish for "angel". Elvish as in from Lord of the Rings. The dog is really cute! Shes a Australian shepherd and is 4 years old. How awesome is that! just travelling with your dog, the only not awesome part was her 20kg backpack. Reminds me of route march but this one is self-inflicting. I like how here in European countries the youth are so much more daring and able to just have these kind of adventures. Not giving a hoot about where they sleep for the night and having a dog as company. I would really want to experience that, not the 20 kg backpack but just travelling with a dog perhaps.
Inu just being so cute. I am so getting a dog next time.
This is my tour de linkoping where it was pretty much a solo trip cept for the part where i met rebekka. It feels good just listening to Avicii and pedaling to the horizon. Of course bearing in mind that you have to double that distance back. But its okay, the day only darkens at 8pm so everyday i have 3 extra hours in the sun. I love the long summer days.
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